FontDiscovery 🖼️ 96: A Great Font for Web and User Interface
Plus: Colors from Wisconsin & The Long Night is Coming for Tech?
The full post used to be live here on this page, but I have since moved it to its new home on my series archive, read the full article on Typogram!
Hi Everyone 👋
Hope you had a wonderful weekend!
The last week has been busy for me. We shared our latest product update, and I spent the rest of the week catching up on editable icons. I also have been trying to catch up on writing for Typogram's blog. It's been a little while since I published a post 🙈.
I'm getting a good amount of work done, but it seems like there is always more to do than there is time. Don’t worry though. Walking and journaling are helping me manage my stress.
Here is our issue this week!
In This Issue…
Font of the Week: Inter
Design idea of the Week: The Long Night is Coming for Tech?
Color Inspiration: Milwaukee, Wisconsin
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